Different Types of Cushion Cut Diamonds to Know About

The cushion cut diamond is one of the oldest shapes and it is widely popular as well. This shape of diamond has passed the test of time for centuries. The cushion cut diamond is known for the feminine pillow shape and iconic soft structure. Nowadays, cushion cut diamonds are evolved into different shapes and various faceting styles. There are four different types of cushion cuts that are widely used in the engagement rings and these four types are old mine, cushion modified “crushed ice,” brilliant and cushion modified “hybrid.” First Two Categories Old Mine Cushions It is the oldest form of cushion cut faceting style and this type of cut is widely popular for having beautiful geometric facets. This type of diamond cut was originated back in the 1700s. The main defining characteristics of Old Mine Cushion cut diamonds are the high crown, large culet, and deep pavilion. If you want to purchase an engagement ring with a cushion cuts d...