5 Tips To Clean Your Diamond Rings

You should follow the essential guidelines to keep your diamond sparkling always. It is a scientifically proven fact that diamond is the hardest substance on earth. The diamond can be used to cut any kind of metal or rock. But, if you want to cut a diamond, you need another diamond. Approximately, 1290 to 16590 degree Fahrenheit temperature is required to melt down the diamond. The luster and spark of diamond start losing time. If you follow the right cleanliness tips, you can easily maintain the shine of the diamond for a long. Here, in this blog post, we are going to discuss various amazing tips and tricks to keep your indestructible gemstone sparkling always: Sparingly Handle Diamond Diamond act as a magnet for grease and dirt, therefore, you should always try to keep it clean. When you hold the diamond with your hands, dirt, and grease on your fingers stick on the surface of the diamond. Ultimately, it affects the luster and spark of the diamond. The brilliance and the ...